Sunday, March 2, 2014

Crush on G E O M E T R I C | Week 8 Project 52 | Reno Photographer

I'm stumped. Geometric has me uninspired. A quick review of those I follow on Instagram confirms this. I'm drawn to the emotional and I can't seem to muster up much when looking at squares. I appreciate beautiful architecture as I walk through it, around it, dwarfed by it. Photographing it? Not really. I love the rhythmic geometric patterns of shapes in the world but can't seem to find myself interested to go look for them.   Nothing came to me until at the tire shop yesterday. I had a long wait and started contemplating what I was going to do for this week's theme. I'm in a tire shop! Surrounded by circles and subway tiling. Nothing! This was the ceiling.
Man-made Shapes
On the other hand, people do it for me. Instead of photographing, I thought I would play in photoshop a little. I liked where the right side was going; the left not so much. I was a trying to play around with some kind of concept of home. In other words….I'm working on it. I did learn how to make a triangle in photoshop. Who knew I needed the polygon tool?! A three-sided polygon. I had a tutor in Geometry.
I ended with this which has led me down a completely different track for a different week (image in the making). And for that I'm excited and what the Project 52 is all about--out of my comfort zone and nurturing the creative process; good or bad. 
See you next week for the theme of H O M E. Can't wait to see how you interpret this theme. Post to Skye Snyder Photography on Facebook or tag #skye52 on Instagram (@skyesnyder) so we can all share our ideas. 

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