The Culberts by Vanessa
"My twin sons had Mr. Culbert for first grade and the things he did with them in reading, math and science were incredible. I spent a lot of time in his classroom and he constantly had older students (his former students) come in to bring him cookies or cupcakes or even just to say hello to their old teacher. (I know I never did that to/for my old teachers - and think it a true testament to the quality of education he provides.) Mrs. Culbert was patient with my son and professional with me. She never made me or my son feel inferior and was always able to explain the problem, what she was doing, and how to work with him in simple to understand terms. She was so good at her job that my son only spent a few months at the end of Kindergarten and a few months at the begining of first grade working with her. I truly belive there is no better candidate than the Culberts!"
Ms. Harris by Annalise
"Kristi Harris is hands down the best teacher I've ever had. She helped me to find my passion for Spanish language which has in turn led me to tons of opportunities in the now and in the future."
Mrs. McCarty-Puhl by Laura
"I would nominate Petrina McCarty-Puhl at McQueen High School. Many students of hers would not agree with me, because she is a tough-love teacher. Mrs. McCarty pushes high school students and expects more out of them. She teaches forensics up there, and even though she's a tough lady, she makes forensics one of the best classes. From mock crimes to learning how to fingerprint, Mrs. McCarty is truly a lady whose passion for the subject of forensics shows. I adored having her as a teacher, and after 2 years of being out of high school, I still go back to visit her."
Mrs. Knafelc by Laryssa
"I would like to nominate Sue Knafelc at McQueen High School. She teaches AP Calculus and Algebra, and she was the most influential teacher of my high school career. She expects great things from her students and helps them to achieve everything they could wish for. She is truly an inspiration. After leaving high school and traveling to Los Angeles for college, I still find myself wishing that all of my classes could be taught by Mrs. Knafelc. She is inspiring and caring and deserves such recognition."
Herr Case by Katie
"I'd nominate Chris Case, the German teacher at McQueen. He was the teacher that made me passionate about languages and foreign affairs. His teaching methods have definitely stuck with me and one can tell he loves what he does. Herr Case really connects with his students through his enthusiasm for the subject and his unusual (and fun) means of teaching. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be doing what I do now and I would probably be lost trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life."
Mr. Arnold by Angela
"I nominate Benjamin Arnold - a Creative Writing teacher at Wooster High School- whose words and passion for the arts have touched hundreds, maybe even thousands of students and other human beings across Washoe County. He single handedly has thrown open doors within the community for young adults to get their hands dirty and their voices heard with raw poetry and spoken word, and guided their hunger for slam and other urban arts. I quite simply could never fit all of my respect and love for this man in the 460 characters Facebook allows for a wall post. Ben has mentored and inspired my work so greatly, and even years after my graduation, continues to always read my work and give feedback and motivation."
Ms. Christman by Katina
"I would like to nominate Sandi Christman for being an inspirational teacher. Sandi is a veteran teacher at Pine Middle School and she has devoted her life, heart, and soul to all the students she has encountered. Besides having an impact on the students, Sandi has made a mark with the teachers as well. She continues to assist and inspire them to be innovative and relevant within their own classrooms. Her heart has saved many a student as well as teachers! I feel like I could go on and on about Sandi, but the words get tongue tied as there is so much to say about this wonderful woman and teacher!"
Ms. Cortez by Bethel
"I would like to nominate Jody Cortez, a Special Education and ESL teacher at Huffacker Elementary. She has a passion and dedication to help each of her special needs students to learn at thier highest capacity level while showing them, at the same time, how much fun school can be. Along with all that she is one of the most caring young women I know....I could be considered prejudiced as she is my grandaughter but watching her in her classroom has been an inspiration to me."
Mr. Nesser by Brenda
"I nominate Mr. Luke Nesser from Reed High School. he used to teach at hug, and it's thanks to him that I am where I am today! I started high school having already lost hope in math. He helped me understand math again and he was there for me even during my toughest times throughout high school. Most people didn't see it, but he really motivated me to keep going. So many things happened over the years, but he was alway there, he was concerned, he could tell when I wasn't okay. And even though he's teaching at reed this year, he still motivates me and checks up on me once in a while. Besides helping me though, he has always been available to his students. If you really needed help, he would help and work with you. He's the most inspirational teacher I've ever had."
Mr. Squadroni by Maya

The Bowers by Charles
"I would like to nominate Mike Bowers at Spanish springs High School. This teacher has a unique ability to engage students. Mike and his wife are an enormous asset to the students at SSHS."
Ms. McCollum by Chris
Chris- Thanks for nominating Tamara! I've had the fortune of seeing her work in person! It's always a joy to be in her room---and the kids think so too :) I've added her name to the drawing. -skye
CONGRATULATIONS to Charles for winning the Nominators drawing donated by Mix Cupcake Co. Thanks Mix for the dozen delicious cupcakes!
To all the teachers, with our deepest respect, thank you.
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