Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crush on 40

Today was the day that I turned 40. I've been saying I was forty for about four years now. For no reason other than rounding-up somehow seemed easier. I do believe I was 30 for a few years also.  I suppose the point is, it just doesn't really matter that much.  What does matter to me is how my life is unfolding at any age and with whom I have chosen to share it with at all their ages. I've been "shakra-shaked" a few times today by the love and support from those who have chosen to do this magic roller coaster ride with me. It's only noon. It's not often that we feel so content that our physical body responds--tickling with approval. Today, I lift my glass to you and thank you for celebrating all 7 years of my fortieth year with me. 
I want to share with you this photo session--my photography at 40 and her life at 40 days. 
I introduce you to Lea.
congratulations jill + larry. thank you......again.

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