Monday, April 6, 2015

Crush on B L A K E L E E { senior portrait artistry reno nevada }

We've been publishing most our latest in senior sessions on the Steller app. Here's a peak of what's happening with our senior sessions with a fashion twist.

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Crush on A D A M { senior portrait artistry reno nevada }

We've been publishing most our latest in senior sessions on the Steller app. Here's a peak of what's happening with our senior sessions with a fashion twist.

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Crush on J A L Y N { a portrait series }

Come visit me on Steller as @skyesnyder. Here's a quick peak at to what's been going on for our senior sessions.

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land marks : a story about trash

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Crush on L I N E A G E II | Project 52 week 11

I liked the play on l i n e a g e  a couple of weeks back and wanted to revisit the theme. I tried the same techniques but ended up with these slightly different results.
iphone project 52 
Another look at lineage through a play on the word and the process of movement--like lineage through a family history. This is from a senior session. I've been playing with this look for a year or so now. Once in a while, the right person and place make it work.

Crush on I N S E C T S | Project 52 week 10

Project 52 week 10 theme was I N S E C T S so this is what I made:
Way too opaque on the butterfly. I flattened and saved the image without saving the psd file. Really? Stupid me. I may revisit the problem.
 I really liked the background so I took a film image that was green from old, heat stroked negatives, scanned it and started playing to see if I could learn something.
Finally, I decided to finish my insect week with some dried biology or bug"taxidermy". I don't like how the eye pin looks in the resin. I tried a pinch bail but those were not wide enough to go around the edge of the piece. I'm sure there is a better way and if you know, I'd love for you to let me in on the secret. All the other items were found around the Sierra Nevadas. A little piece of Nevada/California jewelry art. 
iphone pic of shells from Eagle Lake, Ca, Wasps from Verdi, NV, Pinecones and Moss from Dog Valley, NV
 I like this better-- a nod to Victorian botany and insect collections.

 I think I'll revisit this week's theme and see what else we can create.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Crush on L I N E A G E | week 9 of a Project 52

This week's challenge, L I N E A G E, was photographed and edited on the iPhone. I had just returned from a trip to my childhood neighborhood in Scotland. Lots of memories flooded my return--awash with faint laughter and the smell of coal fires. This was the result of a lineage trip home. 
original shot

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Crush on G E O M E T R I C | Week 8 Project 52 | Reno Photographer

I'm stumped. Geometric has me uninspired. A quick review of those I follow on Instagram confirms this. I'm drawn to the emotional and I can't seem to muster up much when looking at squares. I appreciate beautiful architecture as I walk through it, around it, dwarfed by it. Photographing it? Not really. I love the rhythmic geometric patterns of shapes in the world but can't seem to find myself interested to go look for them.   Nothing came to me until at the tire shop yesterday. I had a long wait and started contemplating what I was going to do for this week's theme. I'm in a tire shop! Surrounded by circles and subway tiling. Nothing! This was the ceiling.
Man-made Shapes
On the other hand, people do it for me. Instead of photographing, I thought I would play in photoshop a little. I liked where the right side was going; the left not so much. I was a trying to play around with some kind of concept of home. In other words….I'm working on it. I did learn how to make a triangle in photoshop. Who knew I needed the polygon tool?! A three-sided polygon. I had a tutor in Geometry.
I ended with this which has led me down a completely different track for a different week (image in the making). And for that I'm excited and what the Project 52 is all about--out of my comfort zone and nurturing the creative process; good or bad. 
See you next week for the theme of H O M E. Can't wait to see how you interpret this theme. Post to Skye Snyder Photography on Facebook or tag #skye52 on Instagram (@skyesnyder) so we can all share our ideas. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Crush on L A N D S C A P E | week 7/52 photo project

For this week's landscape subject I decided to revisit the view I've seen the longest in my lifetime.  Our home was cradled by the Sierra Nevadas and the sage covered desert hills. Today was the first time I took my own children to the lake I spent many hours at as a kid. I would ride my banana seat bike or 50cc honda motorcycle down to her shores and ponder how whales in the ocean would look. Today, we saw a few fish jump.
Join us next week for the theme of GEOMETRIC

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Crush on T R A N S F O R M A T I O N | Week 6 Photo Project | Reno Photographer

I didn't want this theme to end. A week simply wasn't long enough for me to explore transformation. My ideas needed a much longer window to complete the project as I wanted to photograph transformation over time, not a makeover/under kind of change. My journal is filled with many more ideas than it had before. Ideas that I'll visit as the year unfolds. To play a little longer with this, I decided to do a subject instead of a theme for week 7--a little lighter while we play around with the heavier topics. Week 7 will be L A N D S C A P E.

Here are my first ideas for T R A N S F O R M A T I O N | Week 6

It has been through photography that I have been able to process the death of my mother--looking at the beauty of life and death, of youth and maturity, of patterns, repetitions, and the inevitable breaking of them--the transformation. 

While photographing, I found myself looking at the divine design of them. The beauty in all stages. Not preferring one over the other. They remind me of Hermann Rorschach's inkblot personality tests of the 60's which in turn brought me to Da Vinci's encouragement to embrace the cryptic to help better interpret our lives/deaths. The flowers are from a condolence bouquet. The sympathy cards and flowers we received have been unexpectedly healing. I'm so grateful for them. They are transformative. 
placed in the garden and now it's time to wait...